Thank you to everyone who was a part of Limelight Theatre Company’s Summer 2017 Season! This was a remarkable and record setting year for the Oswegoland Park District’s theater program. Each production was made possible by a team of dedicated actors, directors, designers, and crew members. We are so proud of all of the hard work that everyone put into this season, and we appreciate the support from the family, friends, and community members who came to see our shows.
This season included a wide range of stories on stage. We started off at the Jersey Shore with Beneath the Neon Lights, an original play by Brian Brems about choices – the ones you made, and the ones you didn’t. Next, was a double feature of Disney’s 101 Dalmatians KIDS and Limelight original Sherlock the Third by Brandon & Justin Mabrey. These stories both emphasized teamwork and standing up for what is right. We then headed out to the park for a gender-swapped, New Orleans infused adaptation of William Shakespeare’s The Tempest, which examined love, power, and forgiveness. We wrapped up our season up with the classic musical Annie, whose uplifting messages of hope and optimism have us looking forward to tomorrow!
The Oswegoland Park District wouldn’t be able to provide these opportunities and performances without the help of so many people who contribute to the process and help out behind the scenes. Thank you to the countless parents & siblings who help run lines, make costumes, build props, paint sets, pass out flyers, bake treats, and so much more! Thank you to the Limelighters who volunteer their time to act as student directors, crew members, face-painters, and mentors to younger cast members. You are making an impact and inspiring a whole new generation of theater lovers!
Many thanks to West Aurora High School for lending us some stellar set pieces and helping with set construction. We are also grateful for the support from the SD308 schools and staff that we worked with, including Prairie Point Elementary School, Grande Park Elementary School, Murphy Jr. High School, Oswego East High School, and Oswego High School. We were able to rehearse and perform in these spaces, and borrow costumes/props/set pieces. It is partnerships like these that make our program and community great!
We look forward to continuing the grow out program with more classes and educational opportunities this fall, and productions that showcase the talent, dedication, and passion of our theater artists and enthusiasts.
Thank you all!
Cori Veverka
Artistic Director, Limelight Theatre Company
Oswegoland Park District