Get to know Ed Perry! Ed has been sharing his love of acting and directing with Limelight for over a decade. His boundless energy, passion for digging into an actor’s motivation, and musical mania have helped him as director of many shows, instructor of all kinds of classes, and performer of numerous roles.
We asked him a few questions, and here is what he has to say…
Briefly list your education/experience in theater:
Graduated from Northern Illinois University with a BA in Theater. After graduating college, I continued to perform with local theater companies on stage from Batavia’s Steel Beam Theater, to Dekalb’s Player’s Theater, to the Village Guild in Wheaton, as well as Summer Place Theater in Naperville, and Riverfront Player House in Aurora. I have worked as a director for various Theater Companies but spend the bulk of my time, 12 years and counting, with Limelight Theater.
What are you most excited about sharing with Limelight participants?
The idea of how to bring characters to life on stage. I often tell actors I know they are capable of reading words on a page, but I feel my job is to help them understand how to bring the words to life with emotion and feeling. I try to help them make connections to the character and in turn the actor hopefully making connections with the audience.
What do you like most about theater?
I love how theater can make you lose track of time, how it makes me feel emotions while watching actors play relateable characters. I think if theater is done well, a show can be just as memorable as any blockbuster movie on the big screen.
Which Limelight productions have you been a part of?
I have been a part of so many since 2006 that I don’t want to sound like I’m bragging. Just know that it has been many, but everyone was a special and unique production, each my favorite in their own way.
Share a memory from your time as a Limelight participant.
One of my favorite memory was being a goon in the original Limelight Musical called Lumberjacks. Every moment of that role was filled with fun and pure silliness. Where else could I do stage combat and a hired goon with a bunch of Lumberjacks.
What is your dream role?
Angel from RENT or Usnavi for In the Heights.
What game or movie universe would you most like to live in?
Starwars of course, totally would own a light saber and use it for good only, I promise!