Elizabeth Arney has been part of the Limelight Theatre Company since the year 2000. Her first part was playing the dog Ribsy in Henry and Ramona. Over the last 20 years, Elizabeth has shared her talents, on stage and off, in every capacity possible. She and her husband, Michael Arney, grew up side by side performing in Limelight shows and working behind the scenes. They love to come back and act together whenever they can, though that can be a challenging thing to coordinate while raising their own family.
We are lucky to have had Elizabeth’s booming voice on stage, infectious laugh in the audience, and warm heart as part of Limelight for the last 20 years. We hope she’ll keep sharing with us for the next 20!
Here are Elizabeth’s own words about her experiences with the Limelight Theatre Company:
Most memorable Limelight experience?
How can I pick just one? Making a bunch of aprons out of flannel shirts for Lumberjacks: The Musical. Singing “Barbara Ann” as loud as I could in Leave the Gun, Take the Cannoli. One of my most favorite moments was in the show The Last Dance. My character tried to break in to a classroom while the song “Band on The Run” played on. The first Shakespeare I ever read was at Limelight. I’ve been given the chance to play some incredible roles and help out in so many shows.
What is something you learned from Limelight?
Limelight has given me confidence in public speaking and memorization. My voice can always reach the back of any room.
What does Limelight mean to you?
Most of my closest friends have been involved with Limelight at some point in the past twenty years. I have worked alongside so many talented people. It is the one place that I can walk in to and instantly feel like I’m back at home. Limelight is my second family.
What are you doing now? How did Limelight help prepare you for that?
I am stay at home mom to two very energetic children. Limelight has given me patience and the ability to deal with any surprise my kids can throw at me. I’m all about the creative solutions to problems. I hope to see them on stage with Limelight someday.
Anything else you would like to share?
I have grown up with Limelight and seen it through many phases and different stages. It is truly a place of acceptance and imaginative thinking. I’m lucky to have been a part of it.