Renee Niederkorn has been an active Limelighter since 2002. Over the years she has done just about everything you can do for a show, including making her own stunning dresses for her performances in the Thin Man radio play series. We are so lucky that Renee continues to share her creativity, tenacity, talents, and grace with us show after show, year after year. Here is what Renee has to say about growing up with Limelight in her life.
Most memorable Limelight experience?
I was Helena in our second production of Midsummer, and I and the other lovers from my cast took a field trip to Starved Rock to hike and run our lines and get a feel for what it would be like to chase each other through the woods all day. We ran through the big fight scene at least dozen times, working out our choreography, shouting our lines, and startling several hikers. We had worked well together before then, but that day made everything fall into place.
What is something you learned from Limelight?
Limelight helped teach me how to support and rely on the people around me in order to create something we can all be proud of.
What does Limelight mean to you?
I grew up in Limelight; it’s seen me through junior high, high school, college, and into the real world. Since I started with Limelight in 2002, there hasn’t been a single year that I haven’t acted in, directed, designed for, adapted, or made something for a Limelight show (over 60 productions total, if my math is right), and most of my closest friends now are people I met and got to know because of Limelight. It makes me so happy to know that this outlet is still here to help the next generations express themselves and forge relationships that will last for the rest of their lives.
What are you doing now? How did Limelight help prepare you for that?
There were a few years where I designed Limelight’s production logos and fliers, and the experience I got there translates directly to by job today, where I frequently get to create graphics for presentations, social media posts, and print materials.
What is your advice for other theater artists?
No matter what part you’re playing, on stage or off, look for the quirk, the intonation, the detail that will make it feel true.