McKenna Lee’s first Limelight experience was It’s a Wonderful Life in 2017, and she has been involved in numerous productions since then. She is passionate and eager to learn about all sides of theater, on stage and off. We are so glad that she shares that light with us and is part of the Limelight family.
What is your favorite show that you did or part that you played with Limelight?
I would have to say either the 2019 One Acts or Willy Wonka.
How were you involved (acting/writing/tech)?
In the One Acts, I student directed. In Willy Wonka, I acted.
Most memorable Limelight experience?
My most memorable Limelight experience was during bows for Willy Wonka. The feeling of people clapping and recognizing our hard work over the summer was amazing. I didn’t need to act to put on a smile during that time, because I was truly in my happy zone.
What is something you learned from Limelight?
Limelight has changed me. I used to be very worried about where I’d belong and whether I’d be a successful person. Being in these shows has taught me that I will find those who I should be around, and I will be accepted. I just have to find the right people. I certainly have with Limelight.
What does Limelight mean to you?
To me, Limelight is so many things. Limelight is a theatre company that doesn’t just audition people and throw them in a show. Limelight represents a welcoming family, an accepting family, a family that praises your well doings, A family of determination and hard work.
What are you doing now? How did Limelight help prepare you for that?
I got a really long monologue in our Senior Scenes show at Oswego East High School. Limelight prepared me by really helping me develop characters, and really making a character unique. I am also in the Tri-M national honor society of music and Limelight has helped me vocally, over the past few summers.
What is your advice for other theater artists?
If you are just beginning theater, don’t give up. Before you know it you’ll get that lead role you’ve always wanted. Take advice from your directors and practice!
Anything else you would like to share?
The sudden loss of my mother really caused me to hide in my own shell a lot. Limelight has really brought me out again and brought out such a bubbly personality in me 🙂